Male Love Handles Liposuction – Before and After Photos
Lovehandles reliably treated by liposuction.
It may be an unfortunate name, but lovehandles is what everyone calls them and that’s what men want to get rid of, that unsightly bulge sitting above the belt line which appears unathletic, a sign of middle age. And like all areas treated with liposuction, there is precious little that diet and exercise can do about lovehandles. No number of abdominal crunches or trips to the gym make an impression. Liposuction can be a saviour here. It is a reliable way of vastly reducing these fatty bulges that look so unflattering in the mirror in the morning.

With modern low cut trousers it makes it even harder to hide lovehandles. They are generally resistant to exercise and diet so the best way to banish love handles is liposculpture.
Often the abdomen is treated at the same time, so the whole of the spare tyre is reduced. Lovehandles can be large or relatively small, the technique is the same and the results are dramatic.
More genuine before and after photo’s of liposuction can be viewed in our before & after image gallery.
There are usually three to four small 5mm wide access holes per area treated. These are sutured after the procedure and essentially fade after a couple of weeks.
Many if not most men will elect to have the abdomen treated at the same time. This makes sense as the love handles usually continue into the abdomen and treatment of the whole of the spare tyre will give the best results. Breast reduction is also sometimes helpful and can be sometimes treated at the same time or separately.
A special compressive suit is worn for 3 weeks after the procedure. This is a light garment and can be easily worn under normal clothes, though a dark coloured shirt is necessary, so the the colour of the garment does not show through.
Most procedures involving the love handles take from between 60 to 90 minutes.
In general you should plan on returning to work on day three. It would be about 3 weeks before normal gym activities or jogging should be restarted.
The cost of this procedure varies according to the areas that require treatment and whether the area is treated alone or in conjunction with other areas. For a more accurate estimate use our on-line booking or phone for an appointment at Palm Clinic on 09 522 8128.