- Aesthetic Concerns
- Ageing
- Frown Lines
- Bags Under Eyes
- Drooping Eyes
- Crow’s Feet
- Sagging Face
- Loss of Facial Definition
- Thinning Lips
- Upper Lip Lines
- Bulging Arm Veins
- Skin
- Skin Pigmentation
- Rosacea / Facial Redness
- Acne Scarring
- Moles and Skin Tags
- Dull Skin
- Sweat
- Excessive Sweating
- Fat Pockets
- Abdomen
- Thighs
- Ankles
- Arms
Thighs Liposuction – Before and After Photos
The inner thighs and outer thighs are one of the most common areas treated by liposuction for women.

This is for at least two reasons. Firstly, bulky thighs are often hereditary, and can increase dramatically in size at puberty. Also, after pregnancy, there is often an excessive accumulation of fat in the thigh area. Liposculpture to the thighs is very rewarding. Vast improvements in shape are possible.

Combined liposuction treatment of the outer thighs and hips
Outer thighs “saddle bags” in women are accumulations of fat over the outer thigh. Removing them significantly reduces the bulge which you see from looking directly in front or behind. The change in appearance is often dramatic.

Commonly the lower half of the body is a larger size than the top half and clothes fit poorly. Many women have a ‘body in 2 halves’. They are quite slender and happy with their appearance from the waist up, but the areas from the hips down are another story. Here its as though the thighs belong to another person. They are heavy and they bulge. With liposculpture it is possible to bring these two halves of the body back into proportion. Some women find that the inner thighs rub together and the skin of the inner thighs is irritated. Liposculpture can eliminate this problem, or at least make it much better.

Removal of the “saddle bags” or outer thighs can make a huge difference to body shape. Fitting jeans becomes much easier and a more youthful appearance is attained.

Inner thighs can cause a huge problem with chafing and can even affect the way some people walk.

More genuine before and after photo’s of liposuction can be viewed in our before & after image gallery.

There are generally 2-3 small 5mm wide access points for each area treated. These are sutured after the procedure and essentially fade after a couple of weeks.
A special compressive suit is worn for 3 – 4 weeks after the procedure, so wearing trousers or long dresses over the areas treated is recommended, if you want to disguise the garment.
Most thigh procedures take from between 60 to 90 minues.
In general you should plan on returning to work on day 3. It would be about 3 weeks before normal gym activities or jogging should be restarted.