For body concerns where stubborn areas of fat refuse to disappear despite diet and exercise. Liposuction is a surgical procedure which can achieve amazing alterations to the body contour.

The abdomen is a problem area for many women, particularly after childbirth and responds extremely well to liposuction.

Liposuction can dramatically improve the waist, reducing the waist measurement by several centimetres.

The inner thighs and outer thighs are one of the most common areas treated by liposuction for women.

Liposuction can reduce the volume of the buttocks substantially and bring them into proportion with the remainder of the body.

The flanks include the area under and beneath the bra strap. Flanks often develop a fold accentuated by the downward force of the bra strap.

Prominent hips can be reduced with liposculpture and you can be back at work in three days.

For many women bulkiness of the upper arm can be quite distressing. Droopy upper arms can be treated with liposuction.

Liposuction of the calves can remove the excess fat and sculpt the lower leg. This is generally performed in conjunction with the ankles in a procedure called liposculpture.

The aesthetic aim is to make the leg appear finer and more symmetrical. The results of removing even a small amount can be dramatic.

Pubic Area
The pubic area can have excess fat making the area more prominent which can be a problem for those in tight clothing.

Male Abdomen
Men often request liposuction for their abdomen. If you can squeeze the fat between your fingers you should be suitable for liposuction.

Male Love Handles
Any man with accumulations of fat at or just above the level of the belt can benefit from this procedure.
Liposuction services in Auckland
At Palm Clinic, our team of medical professionals offer a range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures, and provide expert, one-on-one consultations to discuss your procedure and concerns beforehand. Below, you’ll find information on our liposuction services and process.
The benefits of liposuction
Liposuction is an effective method of body contouring, performed by removing excess fat from areas of the body. However, it should not be considered a weight loss solution. It is also used as an adjunct to many cosmetic and reconstructive procedures – as the knowledge around liposuction has increased, more people are recognising the benefits of the procedure when performed by an expert surgeon.
A common reason to inquire about liposuction is body concerns stemming from a combination of age and diet. We all have different body shapes, and as we age our fat distribution changes. We sometimes develop fatty deposits in our body, which persist and refuse to disappear no matter how much we exercise or alter our diet.
At Palm Clinic, Dr Mills, a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon (FRACS), provides consultations about liposuction and other cosmetic procedures in Auckland.
Liposuction Consultation
Liposuction is a surgical procedure which can achieve amazing alterations in body contour. Common areas of concern people may wish to focus on include the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, back and under the chin. If you are considering whether this could be appropriate for you, then it is important that you consult with an expert such as Dr Mills.
The liposuction process at Palm Clinic starts with a consultation. Dr Mills will discuss with you which areas you are concerned about, before walking you through the procedure in an easily comprehensible way. After explaining the liposuction procedure, including all potential risks and complications, Dr Mills will also provide you with an honest, professional opinion as to whether liposuction is your best option – if there are other surgical options which would be better suited to fit your needs, we will use this time to discuss them.
An examination will then be undertaken, looking at the common areas of concern, along with the quality, elasticity, and looseness of the skin. Once this is complete and Dr Mills has a full understanding of your concern, a total price estimate will then be provided. Finally, you’ll discuss the aftercare and recovery plan following your surgery, to ensure you are prepared well in advance.
The terms liposuction and liposculpture are interchangeable.
Liposuction is usually performed under general anaesthetic. There are significant advantages to doing it in this way. Liposuction under local anaesthetic alone restricts the extent of liposuction possible. If you are concerned enough to want body contouring, then the procedure should be done completely in a safe setting for optimal results.
Techniques that use local anaesthetic and sedation alone, often limit the extent to which liposuction can be undertaken. However, with small areas, such as the sides of knees, local anaesthetic may be used alone.
Liposuction is performed in a hospital, usually as a day-stay procedure. Once the patient is anaesthetised by a specialist anaesthetist, small 5mm incisions are made, and fluid containing local anaesthetic and adrenaline is infiltrated into the areas of concern.
Through these same small incisions, the liposuction cannulas are inserted, and the fat is removed. Dr Mills uses the PAL liposuction system, which includes a mechanical vibration to the cannula and enhances the fat extraction to optimise the results.
Once the desired amount of fat has been removed, the incisions are closed with sutures and a waterproof dressing. Patients are then placed into a compression garment and we can begin to follow our pre-discussed, aftercare recovery plan.
Costs of Liposuction
Costs of liposuction or liposculpture vary enormously depending on the combination of areas requested, the size of the area to be treated, and the estimated length of the procedure. An initial consultation is essential to provide you with an accurate quote.
Before and After Photos
To see the type of results which can be realistically achieved with liposuction, view the Palm Clinic image gallery.
All patients on the liposuction gallery are patients of Palm Clinic and the photos are untouched and unaltered. If you like the type of aesthetic liposuction results in the Before & After Image Gallery, you are likely to be happy with your own results.
Liposuction FAQs
General Questions
In experienced hands, liposuction is considered a safe procedure. There are some potential risks involved, as with any procedure. These may include bleeding, infection, paraesthesia (altered sensation on the skin) and reaction to anaesthesia.
After the procedure, it is expected to have some discomfort, bruising, and swelling. Dr Mills will provide you with pain relief for the duration while discomfort settles.
Liposuction is not a tool for weight loss. If you are generally overweight, then liposuction is not a good solution. A good candidate for liposuction has a stable, normal body weight, with discrete pockets of fat that they can’t shift with diet and exercise. Most areas of the body are suitable for liposuction, including the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks, calves and ankles, chest and back, hips and thighs, and the chin and neck.
Possible complications are bleeding, infection, paraesthesia (altered sensation), and having a reaction to the anaesthetic. These are all rare.
There is no strict age limit for liposuction, but it is usually performed in healthy, middle-aged people with the younger age range being 30 and the older age range being 70 years old.
There is no black and white answer to this. If your body area is suitable for liposuction and it bothers you prior to pregnancy, then provided you are a good candidate and are healthy, it can be addressed. On the flip side, if you would prefer to wait and see how your body settles after pregnancy, it can be addressed then too. We would usually suggest waiting at least one year from the delivery of the baby to have the procedure.
Scarring from liposuction will be very minimal to non-evident in most cases, as the cannulae used to suction the fat are very small.
Discomfort, bruising, and swelling are the main potential side effects.
Pre-Surgery FAQs
Before the procedure, Dr Mills will mark the areas to be treated and will take photos (with your consent) so that you may later appreciate the improvement. Depending on the approach, you will either have a sedative and a local anaesthetic (if the area to be treated is small) or you will have a general anaesthetic if the area(s) are larger.
How long the procedure takes depends on how much fat is to be removed and how many body areas you are addressing. In most cases, it will be done within one to two hours.
If the area that you are having liposuction on is small and it is done under tumescent local anaesthetic, then you will be able to return home the same day. If the area is more extensive and you require a general anaesthetic, then you may be required to spend one night in our private hospital.
Post-Surgery FAQs
You can expect some discomfort, swelling and bruising. Dr Mills will prescribe pain relief to help you stay comfortable. If the procedure was done under tumescent local anaesthetic, you will be able to go home after the procedure and will be followed up closely by Dr. Mills. If the procedure required a general anaesthetic, you would usually stay one night at our private hospital before going home. You will go home with dressings and instructions on care and have Dr Mills contact details.
You may return to gentle exercise such as walking within two days after the procedure and this is encouraged. A return to more vigorous exercise may take longer. It is important to listen to your body as everybody recovers at a different rate, but usually it will be at least three weeks until you can return to more vigorous exercise.
The time to seeing results can vary widely as everybody recovers at a different rate. You would usually expect to see improvement at anywhere from one to three months after the procedure.
Taking the next step
We understand that even seeking advice on a cosmetic procedure can be a daunting process. You will have a lot of questions, and want to be reassured that you are in good hands. Our goal is to put you at ease, have you feel heard and use our expertise to inform you of the possibilities. Dr. Stephen Mills will give you a personal consultation where he will give you a customised plan to treat your concerns.