Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can develop during pregnancy, or pre existing varicose veins can become larger or cause problems. There are several possible reasons why pregnancy may contribute to varicose veins. Hormones released during pregnancy are likely to be a factor, as is the increased blood volume and circulatory effects caused by pregnancy. The womb and baby will press on the veins which can cause obstruction to the normal blood return to the heart causing the leg veins to become swollen and symptomatic. As well as affecting leg veins, veins around the vulva can become engorged and painful.

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Liposuction or liposculpture – what is the difference?

Liposuction is a procedure performed under general anaesthetic to remove fat from the body.  It was devised by Dr Giorgio Fischer in Rome and refined by Dr Pierre Fournier in Paris.  Liposculpture is a term for liposuction when it is performed under a special type of local anaesthetic called tumescent anaestheisa which was devised by Dr Jeffrey Klein in California in 1987.

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Liposuction for men

Before and after male chest and abdomen liposculpture

Liposuction, or liposculpture, for men is surprisingly common and represents about 25% of my liposuction practice.

The most common areas treated in men with liposuction are abdomen, male chest, and love handles.

Endovenous laser for varicose veins

Before and after image of varicose veins treated with EVLA

Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) is the latest treatment for varicose veins.  It uses a laser fibre inside the abnormal varicose vein to cauterise and close the vein down instead of stripping the vein out surgically.  Endovenous laser treatment is performed under local anaesthetic only so you don’t need a general anaesthetic to treat your varicose veins and you can return to work the same day.

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Want dermal filler without the bruising?

Dermal filler, or Juvederm is one of my favourite tools to rejuvenate the face. I love the way it smooths lines or lifts sunken areas to make you look more youthful, while retaining a natural appearance.  I like that it doesn’t affect movement of your face so your expression remains unchanged. The one downside of dermal filler is that it can cause bruising. With the busy lives we all lead now, the downtime associated with bruising is sometimes unacceptable. Now, with the use of a “blunt cannula” we can freshen your face with dermal fillers with minimal risk of bruising. A great result, without the downtime.

Acne scarring

Acne scarring

Fraxel Dual is the best treatment

There is currently no better treatment for acne scarring than Fraxel Dual.  This is a fractional resurfacing laser which has minimal downtime and significantly reduces acne scarring and improves the texture of skin and reduces pore size.

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Aching, tired or heavy legs?

It’s probably varicose veins

Aching, tired or heavy legs are very common particularly at the end of the day or after exercise or prolonged walking.  Many people think this is normal but it usually means you have varicose veins.  With varicose veins the one way valves that keep blood moving from the legs back to the heart don’t work properly and this causes blood to pool in the lower legs.  The resulting stretching of the abnormal varicose vein causes the aching.

If you have these symptoms it is best to see a phlebologist (vein doctor) and have an ultrasound scan to assess whether treatment is necessary.  Modern treatments like endovenous laser and ultrasound guided sclerotherapy are simple and don’t require anaesthetic or time off work.

Flying and ankle swelling (oedema)

Is it varicose veins? Do you suffer from swollen, puffy feet and ankles whenever you fly long haul?

Flying and ankle swelling (oedema) commonly occur in people with underlying varicose veins.

The valves inside the veins do not work properly and this is exacerbated by prolonged sitting.

Activating the calf muscle pump by getting up and walking or doing in-flight leg exercises can help but the wearing of Compression Stockings is the most efficient way of helping reduce leg swelling (oedema).

Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery Conference Hobart

Palm Clinic attends ACCS conference Hobart April 2011

The Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery held its annual scientific conference in Hobart, Tasmania in April. Palm Clinic was represented by Dr John Barrett and Dr Sam Dunn. We are pleased to report that Palm Clinic is offering all services at the forefront of cosmetic surgery. As always a few fine tuning tips were useful particularly regarding volumising of the face with dermal fillers, and liposculpture.

Visible Hand Veins – Causes & Treatment | Palm Clinic NZ

Our hands age faster than any other part of our body. As we age their youthful plumpness slowly breaks down revealing skinnier, bonier hands with visible hand veins. Many people dislike the look of hand veins and seek hand vein treatment.

Below we discuss hand vein causes and the simple, fast and effective hand vein treatment offered in our Auckland clinic. If you would like to discuss this further please contact our reception team.

Prominent arm veins.
Before and after hand vein treatment using dermal fillers at Palm Clinic, Auckland.

Hand Vein Causes

Hand vein causes are unavoidable for most people. They are not so much to do with the hand veins themselves but with the loss of plumpness and volume in the skin of the hands. However in some cases they can signal a medical condition (DVT or Superficial thrombophlebitis) which will need attention.

  • Genetics: You are more likely to have visible hand veins if other people in your family also have them.
  • Age: As we age our skin loses volume and elasticity causing it to thin, sag, and make hand veins more noticeable.
  • Loss of fat, muscle and collagen: As we age the fat, muscle and collagen in our hands erodes contributing to their thinner, saggier appearance with more hand veins.
  • Sun exposure and hot weather: When our body heats up, our veins enlarge, making hand veins more prominent than they are in cooler weather.
  • Exercise: Like with hot weather, exercise also causes hand veins to expand and become more visible as more blood is pumped through them.
  • Lifting heavy objects: Frequent lifting of heavy objects has the same effect as exercise to create more visible hand veins.
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): DVT is a serious medical condition in which a blood clot occurs in a limb. If you experience visible hand veins along with pain and swelling in one hand, this could indicate DVT and requires immediate attention.
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis: This is a blood clot in a superficial hand vein and makes the vein feel firm, tender and hot. It requires medical treatment.
Visible hand veins as a result of ageing.

Hand Vein Treatments

If hand veins are not a symptom of a medical condition the treatment we recommend is to use dermal fillers to restore volume in the hand to disguise the hand veins. This hand vein treatment is highly effective, safe, and requires no down time from work.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are a hugely popular cosmetic treatment which are most often used to create fullness in the lips, reduce wrinkles and lift sagging facial skin. Filler comes in the form of a gel that gets injected into the skin of the hand.

How are dermal fillers used in hand vein treatments?

We have been treating hand veins using dermal fillers for over 25 years and have found them to be incredibly effective at restoring fullness in the hands so that the veins are far less visible and no longer bulge from the skin.

Dermal filler is injected using a ‘cannula’ which is a safe way to deliver the dermal filler beneath the skin. The hyaluronic acid in the filler acts like a sponge to absorb fluid and replace the volume lost in the tissues with ageing. This creates more padding around the veins to make them less visible.

How long does hand vein treatment take?

Treatment usually takes around 45 minutes, after which you can return to work.

Are results instant?

Results are apparent immediately and continue to develop over the next two to three weeks.

Are there any risks or side effects to using dermal filler for hand vein treatment?

Hand vein treatment is not recommended for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. After treatment there may be some redness, tenderness, swelling or bruising around the treated area.

After having treatment we recommend that you avoid intense exercise, alcohol and touching the area for the remainder of the day, and avoid flying internationally for one week.

In extremely rare cases there is the chance of blisters or pustules forming, or painful discolouration in the skin of the hands as a result of vascular compromise, both of which require urgent medical attention.

How long do results last?

Hand vein results can last between 6 and 24 months. The filler we use is Juvederm, which is an industry leading brand and the longest lasting filler available.

What is the cost of hand vein treatment?

A single syringe of dermal filler starts at $930. The amount of filler required will depend on the scale of the hand veins. Before treatment you will be required to book a consultation where your hand veins can be assessed and a hand vein treatment cost will be discussed.

Visible hand veins due to genetics and ageing.

If your hand veins are a symptom of a medical issue, our vein doctors can guide you through the below treatments:

  • Phlebitis treatment: In less severe cases superficial clots can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication and compression to the hands and arms. In more severe cases an anticoagulant (blood thinning medication) may also be required.
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis treatment: DVT would require anticoagulants and an ultrasound to check its progress. We would also screen for Paget-Schroetter syndrome which can sometimes be a cause of DVT.

To learn more about hand vein treatments or to book your consultation, please contact our reception team on 0800 4 PALM CLINIC or [email protected]

Consulatation at Palm Clinic with Dr Sam DunnConsulatation at Palm Clinic with Dr Sam Dunn

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Botox®  is a prescription medicine for the treatment of frown lines, horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet round the eyes. Botox® has risks and benefits. Ask your doctor if Botox® is right for you. If you have side effects, see your doctor. You will need to pay for Botox® and clinic fees will apply. For details on precautions & side effects consult your healthcare professional or the Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) at Botox® treatment lasts about 4 months and further courses of treatment may be necessary. Should only be administered by trained medical professionals.(Contains botulinum toxin A 50,100 & 200 units). Allergan (NZ) Limited, Auckland.

Juvederm Ultra™ & Juvederm Ultra Plus™ are medical devices Class III for the filling of medium size and deep facial wrinkles by injection into the skin and for creating definition and volume in the lips. Contains 24mg/mL. cross-linked hyaluronic acid. Juvederm has risks and benefits. Cautions: Use in an area that has been treated with another dermal filler, people with autoimmune disease, or who are pregnant, breastfeeding, under 18 years of age or have an increased susceptibility to keloid formation and hypertrophic scarring. People on blood thinning medicines. Possible side effects: injection site inflammatory reactions (redness/swelling, itching/pain on pressure) induration or nodules; discolouration; weak filling effect. If you have side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. Product and treatment costs will apply. Note: Juvederm treatment lasts about 12-24 months. For product information check with your doctor or product information at Allergan (NZ) Limited, Auckland. 

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Please note that individual results may vary from patient to patient and the information provided on our website is only a guide to possible results.