“Getting Old Can Wait!”
On your face, as you age those youthful cheeks begin to drop, and local fat deposits shrink. This leads to increasing laxity and depth to the lines around your mouth area and jaw line. Plus, all those happy days in the sun in your younger years will be rewarding you with increasingly uneven skin tone, poor skin texture and blotchy pigmentation patches.
For a makeover within a month, a combination of treatments can transform your face within a month:
Dermal Fillers and Botox® after which you’ll see instant results, plus an active skincare serums or skin peels, and a couple of medical grade IPL or gentle laser treatments can take years off your age.
Add to that the simplest and free treatment for added beauty is to have early nights and early dinners. To ensure you are resting (and rejuvenating) rather than digesting – and you’ll wake up to a much fresher, more youthful face in the mirror.
Botox® and Dysport are Prescription Medicines containing 100 units of clostridium botulinum Type A toxin complex for injection. It is used for the treatment of severe frown lines of the face. It should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Arrange a consultation to discuss the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. Cautions: people with defective neuromuscular transmission disorders, presence of infection at site of injection, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation. Possible side effects include headaches, pain, burning or redness at injection site, local muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, lack of feeling and nausea. If you have side effects or concerns speak to a doctor. A charge applies. Note: Botox® and Dysport treatment lasts about 4 months and after this time further courses of treatment could be necessary. Arrange a consultation to discuss your own situation.
1 Benedetto A. The Cosmetic Uses of Botulinum toxin type A. Int J Dermatol 1999, 38:6641.655