- Aesthetic Concerns
- Ageing
- Frown Lines
- Bags Under Eyes
- Drooping Eyes
- Crow’s Feet
- Sagging Face
- Loss of Facial Definition
- Thinning Lips
- Upper Lip Lines
- Bulging Arm Veins
- Skin
- Skin Pigmentation
- Rosacea / Facial Redness
- Acne Scarring
- Moles and Skin Tags
- Dull Skin
- Sweat
- Excessive Sweating
- Fat Pockets
- Abdomen
- Thighs
- Ankles
- Arms
Stomach and Abdomen Liposuction – Before and After Photos
The abdomen is a problem area for many women, particularly after childbirth and responds extremely well to liposuction.

Unwanted accumulations of fat can make clothes difficult to fit. It may be impossible to buy clothes “off the rack”. Liposuction to the tummy and waist is often extremely helpful in these situations. In cases where there is excess skin, Dr. Mills may recommend a “tummy tuck” (abdominoplasty).
The tummy can be sculpted to achieve 3D body contouring. Dr. Mills commonly includes the hips when performing abdominal liposuction. Usually the upper and lower sections of the abdomen are treated at the same time. This helps to significantly reduce the midriff area just below the rib cage which bulges when sitting.
Often liposuction of the abdomen can be combined with treatment of the hips and waist and the size of the whole torso is reduced, creating a narrow waist, diminishing that square, matronly look and giving the whole central section a real rejuvenation. The degree of skin retraction is determined by the quality of the skin. Fat reduction of the abdomen by liposuction minimises the disruption to a busy schedule. Whether a lot or a little needs to be removed, a dramatic aesthetic improvement can be achieved. More genuine before and after photo’s of liposuction of the abdomen can be viewed in our before & after image gallery.
Most people with excess abdominal fat can benefit from this procedure. The amount of fat that can be removed depends on the volume present to start with, but a general approximation would be about 70% of the volume present. Thus your end result will be much smaller.
People with hernias over the areas to be treated will need to have these repaired before the procedure. Some people (mostly men) have a large proportion of the abdominal fat within the abdomen itself (behind the muscles) and not in front. They are less suitable for liposuction, but still may benefit to some extent. People with a very large overhang or pannus may do better with a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty).
There are approximately 5 access holes each are 5 mm wide. Some are hidden at the lower margin of the abdomen and in the tummy button. They are sutured after the procedure and essentially fade after a couple of weeks.
A special lycra compressive garment is worn for 3 – 4 weeks after the procedure.
Most abdominal liposuction procedures take approximately 90 minutes to complete. You will need to be with us for around 5 hours on the day of liposuction.
In general you should plan on taking 2-3 days off work or slightly longer if your work is active. It would be about 3-4 weeks before normal gym activities or jogging should be restarted.