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Restless Legs – Causes & Treatments – Auckland NZ

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a common condition that causes an overwhelming urge to move the legs. RLS is often caused by varicose veins, which can be visible from the surface of the leg or hidden beneath it. If varicose veins are causing RLS then treating the varicose veins will also relieve restless leg symptoms.

At Palm Clinic in Auckland, NZ we provide the most effective varicose vein and restless legs treatments, which require no GP referral and no time off work in most cases. Read below for more information on the causes, symptoms and treatments for restless legs. 

What is Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a common nervous system condition that causes discomfort and an insatiable urge to move the legs. It affects up to 10% of the population and is also considered to be a sleep disorder because restless legs often occur at night or while at rest.

Restless Legs Causes

A leading cause of restless leg syndrome is venous insufficiency, which is the same condition that causes varicose veins.

Venous insufficiency is a vein condition where the valves in the veins are unable to pump blood through the legs as they should. This causes blood to pool in the legs which in turn causes healthy veins to become varicose veins, and restless legs symptoms to occur.

It is proven that treating varicose veins provides relief for restless leg symptoms.

Restless leg syndrome is also associated with a range of health conditions:

  • Iron deficiency
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Kidney failure

Varicose veins can be visible on the surface of the leg or hidden beneath it.

Restless Legs Syndrome Symptoms

Restless leg symptoms can vary in severity from day to day. Some days they might be significant and cause sleep disturbances while other days there will be no restless leg symptoms at all. Common RLS symptoms include:

  • Uncomfortable sensations in the legs that are only relieved by movement
  • An overwhelming urge to move the legs
  • Pins and needles in the legs and feet
  • Throbbing, heavy or aching legs
  • Itchiness or an unpleasant crawling feeling in the legs and feet
  • Swelling of the lower legs, feet or ankles
  • Symptoms feel worse when lying down or at rest
  • Restless legs are also associated with involuntary jerking of the legs or arms, known as periodic limb movements (PLM)

In severe cases of restless leg syndrome, additional concerns may arise such as problems with mood or memory, anxiety and depression due to lack of quality sleep.

Wearing compression stockings can ease the discomfort caused by restless leg syndrome.

Who Gets Restless Leg Syndrome?

Of those who experience restless leg syndrome, about 2-3% have symptoms that are significant enough to affect their quality of life. Common restless leg risk factors have been identified:

  • RLS is twice as common in women than in men.
  • Around 1 in 5 pregnant women experience restless legs in their third trimester. Restless legs in pregnancy usually resolves after birth.
  • Most people who experience severe restless leg symptoms are middle-aged or older.
  • There is a genetic link with almost 50% of people who experience restless legs having a family member that also has restless legs.
  • Restless leg syndrome is relatively rare in children with roughly 2% of school-age children experiencing it.

Restless Leg Treatment

Restless leg syndrome can be relieved by treating the underlying cause – varicose veins. At Palm Clinic we offer leading varicose vein treatments at our clinic in Auckland, NZ. All our treatments are non-surgical walk-in, walk-out procedures that don’t require any down time from work in most cases.

Research has proven that the most effective treatment for varicose veins is Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA). This is a non-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency heat to seal off the faulty varicose vein. Over time the vein breaks down and is absorbed into the body.

Where RFA isn’t appropriate, the recommended second line treatment for varicose veins is Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy (UGS). During this treatment a solution is injected into the varicose vein causing it to close off, break down and be absorbed by the body over time.

In mild cases of restless leg where treatment may not be needed, symptoms can be relieved by initiating lifestyle changes such as:

  • Regular exercise
  • Attaining a healthy body weight
  • Elevating the legs to support blood flow
  • Wearing compression stockings
  • Leg massages
  • Use of hot baths and ice packs
  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding alcohol and caffeine

If you are concerned about restless leg syndrome or would like more information, please contact our reception team on 09 522 8128 or

Vein care for confidence and comfort at every step.

New Zealand’s Busiest Varicose Vein Clinic

Dr John Barrett, the founder of Palm Clinic in Auckland, introduced Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy to New Zealand in 1998 and was one of the first exponents of Endovenous Laser Ablation for varicose vein treatments in New Zealand. We now have a team of phlebologists led by Dr Sam Dunn at Palm Clinic in Auckland which is the busiest Vein Clinic in New Zealand. Palm Clinic has performed over 7000 laser treatments for varicose veins and more than ten thousand ultrasound guided sclerotherapy procedures.

Varicose Vein Treatment Process

Initial consultation

With one of Palm Clinic’s Phlebologists (vein doctors). He/she will assess your varicose veins and recommend whether treatment is required. Varicose vein treatment options include: a definitive treatment such as radiofrequency ablation and/or ultrasound guided sclerotherapy or a conservative approach if treatment is not warranted, such as wearing compression hosiery.

Ultrasound Mapping

An ultrasound of your varicose veins will be performed at Palm Clinic by a vascular sonographer and a “map” of your veins will be created. This will be assessed by your Palm Clinic Doctor and a varicose vein treatment plan, optimised for you, will be formulated. You will then book for the relevant treatment sessions at a time that suits you.

Treatment Plan

An information folder will be given to you with copies of the treatment plan, possible risks and side effects, requirements for post treatment care and a quote. We have this information in French and Mandarin if required.

Medical Insurance for Varicose Veins

Palm Clinic is an affiliated provider to Southern Cross for varicose veins and a First Choice Provider for NIB. Medical necessity criteria apply.

For Southern Cross and NIB you do not need prior approval. Palm Clinic is able to authorise this online if you bring your member number. Varicose vein treatments are generally covered by other medical insurers such as Sovereign, Unimed and others when meeting ‘medical necessity criteria’.

Non-surgical varicose veins treatment

Pain free legs our patients are proud to show off.

At Palm Clinic, you won’t have to keep suffering from painful, achy and unsightly Varicose Veins when the solution can be simple. We will provide you with effective non-surgical treatment that will help to give you back pain free legs you’ll be proud to show off. 

Vein Treatment Video

The Palm Clinic vein treatment/pre-appointment video introduces you to the Palm Clinic veins team, explains what to expect during treatment, what you need to do to prepare for treatment, post-treatment instructions for when you get home as well as potential side effects.


Consulatation at Palm Clinic with Dr Sam Dunn

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