What causes varicose veins?
We don’t know exactly what causes varicose veins but we know that the wall of the main saphenous veins becomes weakened leading to the one way valves in the veins becoming damaged. This in turn causes blood to fall down with gravity and pool in the veins which stretches them further.
There appears to be a strong genetic link such that people with varicose veins commonly have a family history. We also know that people with jobs that involve prolonged standing and straining tend to be over represented in the varicose vein population.
For many people the veins are just a visual problem but most people with varicose veins eventually get symptoms such as aching, throbbing, tired legs, cramps, restless legs, itching, heat, sweling of the feet and ankles, varicose eczema orvaricose ulcers.
Fortunately varicose veins are easily treated by non surgical techniques such as laser and injections. Such treatments are generally covered by insurance. Palm Clinic is an affiliated provider to Southern Cross for the non surgical management of varicose veins where medical necessity applies.