Arm liposuction
Droopy upper arms are a very common problem. Mostly this is caused by excess fat in the upper arms and this can be easily removed with liposuction.
Occasionally the droopiness is caused by loose skin alone but this is more common in the elderly.
Access to the fat is obtained through two tiny holes on either side of the elbow which allows clearance of the fat. Occasionally there is a need to clear fat from in front of and behind the armpit area.
A tight fitting garment needs to be worn for a few days after the procedure so it is often best to treat this areain the autumn or winter.
You can return to work within three days but can expect some swelling and variable bruising for up to three weeks.
Arms can be combined with other areas of the body so that more than one area of liposculpture can be performed at the same time which reduces the liposuction cost.