- Aesthetic Concerns
- Ageing
- Frown Lines
- Bags Under Eyes
- Drooping Eyes
- Crow’s Feet
- Sagging Face
- Loss of Facial Definition
- Thinning Lips
- Upper Lip Lines
- Bulging Arm Veins
- Skin
- Skin Pigmentation
- Rosacea / Facial Redness
- Acne Scarring
- Moles and Skin Tags
- Dull Skin
- Sweat
- Excessive Sweating
- Fat Pockets
- Abdomen
- Thighs
- Ankles
- Arms
Buttocks Liposuction – Before and After Photos
Buttock size can be reduced with liposuction and you can be back at work in 3 days.

Many women have a problem with fullness of the buttocks alone which can make dressing in some skirts and swimwear just about impossible, or this may be in combination with a fullness in the hips, outer thigh and inner thigh. Liposuction can reduce the volume of the buttocks substantially and bring them into proportion with the remainder of the body. This makes it possible to wear a greater variety of clothes off the rack. Many women find they can finally wear jeans for the first time after buttock liposuction.
Any women with an out of proportion buttock area (usually many of these women are their ideal body weight) are good candidates for this procedure. Men can also have problems in this area. Sometimes the buttock area may be abnormally small and out of proportion. Transfer of fat from other areas of the body can be very effective in this area and generally gives a pleasant, even result.
There are generally two to three small 5mm wide access points. These are sutured after the procedure and essentially fade after a couple of weeks.
A special compressive suit is often worn over the area to ensure good shape and to support the whole area. This is worn for 3 -4 weeks.
Most buttock reduction procedures take from between one to two hours.
In general you should plan on returning to work on day three to five. It would be about three to four weeks before normal gym activities or jogging should be restarted.